Phone : +1 (610) 299--5187

Location :110 1/2 Tejon Suite 202

               Colorado Springs, CO

Summit LeaderSpeak Academy

Upcoming dates for Colorado Springs trainings

Sign your people up to attend these exciting learning events.

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Colorado Springs based Summit Leaderspeak Academies are two day intensive trainings led by Kevin and your choice of one of his amazing colleagues. Participants develop skills from table and elevator pitches to full on keynote speaking for groups of all sizes. You can add content like social media skills, brand building or strategies for guest speaking in interviews and podcasts. Let us know your needs below. The cost for these events is $3000 per participant with a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve per event. We insist on bringing high quality learning to every participant and have learned from many years of experience that this is best achieved in small batches and lots of individual attention.

June 6th & 7th

June 20th & 21st

June 27th & 28th

July 18th & 19th

These events will be held at our office/training center at 110 1/2 N Tejon Street in Colorado Springs from 8am to 4pm on the consecutive days below.